empowers your journey in film
This is the place where filmmakers come to learn, grow and THRIVE!
Our Mission
To support Independent Filmmakers and Above The Line talent located in New Mexico by providing educational classes, programs, grants and mentorship.

Who We Are
Founded in 2013 , the New Mexico Film Foundation team consists of directors, producers, editors, actors and writers! The team has expanded from a Board of Directors to now include an Advisory Board and volunteers! Committee's comprised of the team, manage programs, events, communication, grants and fiscal sponsorship!

Programs and Events at the NMFF were developed to focus on individual career paths in film in the areas of writing, producing, directing and acting. From the beginning stages of your career to advanced classes, the NMFF can provide training and opportunity.​​
Fiscal Sponsorship
Fiscal Sponsorship is a program that is provided by and that allows a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organization to support film and media projects. By submitting a project, a vetting process begins and information provided is evaluated to ensure alignment with the foundations core mission. If accepted into the sponsorship and as a Fiscal Sponsor, New Mexico Film Foundation will align with its sponsored partner and enter into a signed agreement. The foundation will provide mentorship and administration and the sponsored project will be eligible to apply for grants and solicit tax-deductible contributions on behalf of the project.
The foundation in no way maintains any ownership of the project but provides resources and simplifies organizational functions.

Support NMFF
Without the support of our community partners and those individuals who support our mission, we could not continue our pursuit of elevating the talent in New Mexico. Our Board and Advisory Board volunteer thousands of hours with passion and commitment. The NMFF remains the only non-profit in the State of New Mexico that support above the line talent talent.

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